1-2 October 2025 - Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Home | Speakers | Mandie Bhembe

Mandie Bhembe

Mandie Bhembe (Mandi) is a results-driven, multi-faceted pharmacist with over 20 years’
experience in the different sectors of pharmacy. She has extensive experience in
regulation, policymaking, leadership, as well as strategy development and implementation.

Her experience in the private health sector spans through the wholesale, institutional and
community pharmacy categories. She is currently heading the National Department of
Health’s Licensing Sub-directorate, a position she has held for the past ten years. She is
responsible for licensing of pharmacy premises, processing of dispensing and yellow fever
licence applications, and private nurse permits. Her sub-directorate also plays a pivotal
role in the regulation of the pharmaceutical environment.

In 2017, Mandi was seconded to assist the Human Resources Department (HRD) in finding a mechanism for
placement of Community Service Pharmacists in private pharmacies. She continues to support HRD in this space.
She co-developed the government policy on the mechanism for approval of COVID-19 vaccination sites, and the
development of minimum standards for vaccination sites and services. Mandi was also project lead in the
development of the policy on nurse prescribing in the public sector. Mandi holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree
from the University of the Western Cape, completed a Business and Development Management Programme with
the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) and a Legislative Drafting programme from the University of

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