1-2 October 2025 - Sarit Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
Home | Speakers | Mamolefe Selokela

Mamolefe Selokela

Mamolefe Selokela is a beacon of women’s empowerment, fearlessly managing the African Traditional Medicine Program at the Mpumalanga Provincial Office. Combining traditional healing practices with modern pharmaceutical approaches, she has trailblazed her way since the 90s.

Mamolefe’s impact goes beyond practices; she champions gender equality. Her role involves overseeing the placement of Pharmacist Interns, Community Service Pharmacists, and re-deployment of Grade 1 Pharmacists, ensuring equitable representation for women within the department.

Active participation in the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA) and the South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists, Mpumalanga (SAAHIP MP), where she held the position of branch secretary, demonstrates her commitment to advancing her profession.

Mamolefe also assumes the role of deputy chairperson for the board of management of Pharmacists for Excellence and Compassion Today (PECOT). This association, dedicated to excellence in pharmaceutical sciences, compassion, and universal access to quality pharmacy education and healthcare services, reflects her passion for shaping a brighter future.

In Mamolefe’s narrative, the synergy between women’s empowerment and healthcare evolution is evident. Her journey inspires others to stride confidently towards a future where tradition, modernity, and gender equality converge, creating a harmonious symphony of progress.

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